Thursday, February 18, 2010

Australia - "I'm a sailor, I sail"

I spent two wonderful days sailing the beautiful Whitsunday Islands. By day, the sailing is so enjoyable. By night, the boat turns into a floating torture chamber.

On Sunday night I booked a two -night sailing trip and a flight down the coast of Oz from Cairns. Since I was booking for a nearly immediate departure I perhaps skimmed some specifics, like oh say no air conditioning in the middle of the Tropics. You sign a waiver that indemnifies the sailing company if you get eaten by a shark or stung by a jelly. They really should have made me sign that I agree to be sweaty, smelly and sticky the whole time!

I was on 50 foot retired racing sailboat. Her name is Silent Night, although I suggested a rename to "Restless Night." During the day we sail though the turquise waters, stop for swimming and snorkeling, and my favorite activity - eating. ocean looked more like a giant swimming pool. We saw dolphins, loads of sea turtles and one huge creepy sea snake. The coral on this part of the GBR is so colorful I was in awe!

Not a bad view during morning tea!

There were 11 other passengers on the boat and a fun young group, with me being on older end of the spectrum. On the trip I learned that in the eyes of 17-year-old English blokes at 32 I am old enough to be a "cougar," that peanut butter and jelly belonging together on a sandwich is not a universally accepted truth, and that a rumor in the U.K. there exists that in the U.S. we don't use sarcasm in our interpersonal communications. I confirmed this my most sarcastic tone.

I hate to complain even a smidge about the sailing adventure, but I'll do so anyway. The first night there was no breeze, so sleeping in the galley was simply not workable. With my towel, top sheet and pillow in hand I moved to a space on the deck. Twice I was awakended because it was pouring buckets, and another time I was awoken by a bug who decided up my nose would make a nice landing pad. The rest of the night I lied contorted too uncomfortable to sleep! There was a former marine on-board and he said sleeping at bootcamp was easier than on a hard, curved wet deck. This is my bed - between the winches and the edge of the boat...which I was certain I was going to roll off and into the mouth of a shark.

The view of the stars from was mesmorizing. Just incredible - tons of constellations like the Southern Cross and satellites orbiting. Even with the miserable sleep, still a great trip. Dangling my feet off the side of the boat, or napping on deck was wonderfully serene.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. at least you lived to tell the tale! hopefully you'll get a better night's sleep on solid ground. love you!

  2. Sounds like typical adventure filled days in Stefani's new life as a world traveler. I guess no one told you that not all adventure is fun, but its still an adventure. I'm glad you didn't end up shark bait. Wondered where you got off to, now I know your safe. Love U, keep us posted on your continued adventures!
